


Matters needing attention in construction of thermal insulation materials in rainy season

1. Storage of thermal insulation materials
storage of inorganic active insulation mortar must pay attention to waterproofing and moisture-proof. Indoor Storage: When site conditions permit and there are not many YT insulation materials available, the insulation materials can be stored indoors. In order to prevent the increase of air humidity caused by rainy weather, indoor windows should be closed to prevent drizzle. The material is stacked 30 centimeters away from the ground and covered with rain cloth to prevent the upstairs water from leaking into the storage material and hardening the modified YT insulation material. < br > 2. Outdoor storage: Choose high-lying place to pile up materials, surrounding drainage is smooth, not easy to accumulate water, and away from the ground more than 30 cm. Before stacking, a layer of rain cloth is laid on the material table to prevent moisture. After stacking, cover it with a full rain cloth, tie it with a rope, and press it around with a heavy object. Pay attention to weather changes, wait until sunny days, open the rain cloth for drying, the water evaporation of the rain cloth, to avoid water vapor droplets, dripping on the YT inorganic active insulation material, causing hardening.
two, matters needing attention in construction machinery: The construction of < br > thermal insulation system mainly adopts construction hanging cage. When rainy day comes, it is forbidden to construct, and the power supply of hanging cage is cut off, and the motor is covered well, so as to avoid short circuit caused by rainy water and danger. After returning to work after rain, professional personnel should be sent to inspect the cage to prevent the failure and danger of the cage.
three, insulation construction matters needing attention:
1. pays close attention to weather forecasts, early warning and reasonable arrangement of construction time.
2. Gale Weather: if there is more than five gale, no high level operation can be carried out. Strengthen the safety education of workers, and the use of workers'safety belts, safety hats, safety ropes for strict inspection.
3. no construction is allowed on rainy days. According to the specific weather conditions of the day, reasonable arrangement of construction procedures. For example, it is time-consuming and labor-consuming to prevent the occurrence of rework due to the fact that the protective surface has just been constructed, the strength is not enough, and the surface smoothness and plastering thickness are not up to the standard after being washed by rainwater.
four, safety precautions: Strengthen the safety education and training for all the workers on the construction site, especially where the details are easy to overlook, so that the safety construction goes deep into every worker's heart.
2. security check must be in place. Regular inspections of the main body of the building, scaffolding, hanging basket and construction power consumption are carried out, problems are found and eliminated in time, damaged areas are repaired in time, and problems are dealt with in the bud. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the construction, we will make high-quality projects. It is hoped that all construction units will take preventive measures, rationally arrange construction and avoid material waste.

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